Canine Vaccinations & Guidelines
Core vaccines are recommended for all puppies and dogs with an unknown vaccination history. The diseases involved have significant morbidity and mortality rates and are widely distributed. In general, vaccinating your dog results in relatively good protection from disease. These include vaccines for canine parvovirus (CPV), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus (CAV), and rabies. In addition, the leptospirosis vaccine is now being recommended as a core vaccine for dogs because the disease has the potential to occur in any dog (even in urban environments), can be life-threatening, and the vaccines are considered safe and efficacious, with recent improvements in safety over the last decade to minimize vaccine reactions.
We recommend that puppies receive a single dose of killed rabies vaccine at or after 12 weeks and before 6 months of age. Adult dogs with unknown vaccination history should also receive a single dose of killed rabies vaccine. A booster is required one year later on puppies and all dogs with previous unknown vaccination history and thereafter, rabies vaccination should be performed every 3 years using a vaccine approved for 3-year administration.
[1] In accordance with Franklin county law, all dogs and cats are required to be vaccinated against the Rabies virus. Giving the vaccine is considered a medical procedure and only healthy pets should be vaccinated. Because of this, we require a physical exam be done on your pet with a doctor when we give the Rabies vaccine. The physical examination ensures the health of your pet and, therefore, safety in receiving the vaccination.
Price varies depending on 1 year vs 3 year vaccination
For initial puppy vaccination (< 20 weeks), one dose of vaccine containing modified live virus (MLV) CPV, CDV, and CAV-2 is recommended every 3-4 weeks from 8-20 weeks of age, with the final booster being given between 18-20 weeks of age.
Revaccination is required at one year and recommended every 1-3 years thereafter, depending on vaccination type.
For dogs older than 20 weeks of age, two doses of vaccine containing modified live virus (MLV) CPV, CDV, and CAV-2 given 3-4 weeks apart are recommended. Revaccination is required at one year and recommended every 3 years thereafter.
Leptospirosis is not uncommon in Ohio dogs and is reported more frequently today. The disease is carried in rodent urine, and we see an increase in positive cases at the end of winter going into spring as the snow melts and infected puddles form. In addition, the disease can be fatal or have high morbidity, and also has zoonotic potential to people. Therefore, we recommend annual vaccination of all dogs. The initial vaccination should be followed by a booster 3-4 weeks later, and the first vaccine is given no earlier than 8 weeks of age.
Price is dependent on oral vs injectable vaccine
This is an agent associated with 'kennel cough' or canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) in dogs. For Bordetella bronchiseptica, mucosal vaccination with live avirulent bacteria is recommended for dogs expected to board, be shown, or to enter a kennel situation within 6 months of the time of vaccination. We currently stock the oral and injectable vaccine containing B. bronchiseptica.
For puppies and previously unvaccinated dogs, the initial vaccination should be followed by a booster 3-4 weeks later, and the first vaccine is given no earlier than 9 weeks of age. Revaccination is required at one year and annually thereafter.
There are two types of influenza virus that have recently shown up in the dog population. These two viruses do not appear to mutate as frequently as the human virus and are not zoonotic to humans but will cause a disease similar to the human flu and can also be mistaken for 'a kennel cough'. Vaccines for both infections are commercially available, including a combination H3N8/H3N2 vaccine (which we carry). Vaccines may reduce clinical signs and virus shedding in dogs infected by CIV.
The virus causes upper respiratory signs including a cough, nasal discharge, and a low-grade fever followed by recovery. A small percentage of dogs develop more severe signs in association with hemorrhagic pneumonia. Disease caused by CIV H3N2 may be slightly more severe than that caused by CIV H3N8, and the virus has affected more dogs in veterinary hospitals and the community
For puppies and previously unvaccinated dogs, the initial vaccination should be followed by a booster 3-4 weeks later, and the first vaccine is given no earlier than 9 weeks of age. Revaccination is required at one year and annually thereafter.
We recommend this vaccine to dogs that can come in contact with ticks even on an infrequent basis. This disease is very common in our area and exposure to areas with high wildlife/rodent populations increases risk. Even in cities, we are seeing an increase in Lyme positive cases due to the higher temperatures year-round, which is prompting us to make the Lyme vaccine a core vaccine. Most infected dogs show no clinical signs, and the majority of dogs contracting Lyme disease respond to treatment with antimicrobials However, in dogs that do show signs (5-10% of infected dogs), the symptoms can include swollen joints/joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, decreased appetite, fever, and in extreme cases, kidney failure. Between 20-50% of Black Legged ticks in this area can carry this disease.
This vaccine is given initially after 9 weeks of age and followed up by a booster 3-4 weeks later and annually thereafter.