At the Chittenden Veterinary Clinic, we offer a variety of services to meet your pet's needs. From the time your pet is born and throughout their entire life, we strive to meet your pet's needs at a reasonable cost to your family. It starts with puppy and kitten vaccines. We generally see puppies and kittens every 3-4 weeks from the time they are adopted until they are 4+ months old, then yearly. During that time, we take the time to educate you on which vaccines your pet's needs depending on their lifestyle. We do not do "cookie-cutter" medicine. We individualize our care to meet the lifestyle needs of your pet. For example, a pet that never leaves the house or yard needs different vaccines than a pet that goes to parks and daycares regularly. At puppy and kitten visits we also educate about parasites. Internal parasites include those that live in your pet's guts or blood. External parasites feed on the pet's skin (fleas/ticks). We offer a variety of parasite prevention products. Let us customize preventative care to meet your pet's needs!